Friday, 30 August 2013

Worshipping Mary

There has been this age on argument between the Catholic Church and other denominations regarding their HONOURING Mary, mother of Jesus. Here am going explain to the best of my ability logically the why it is not wrong.
When you decided to honour someone even as a society it is because the person has done something worthy of emulation.
History place Mary at the age of 15 to 18 when she was betroth to Joseph be married, she was also a virgin, firstly we see that it is pretty much hard to come by these days even at that age bracket Mary was, am sure God didn’t wake up in the morning  to throw a dice in other to select which of the 10,000 virgins was to become the mother of his son, there had to be something special about Mary that God loved, so please she is not just a road Jesus had to use because as you can see he loved her.
Marry was to be married to Joseph when the angel appeared to her and told her everything her response was “I am the lords servant, be it done unto me according to your words” she made this statement knowing the implications, ladies just put you self in her shoes, a virgin about to be married tells her fiancĂ© that she is PREGNANT, but still a VIRGIN, and the HOLY SPIRIT is responsible plus the child she is carrying is JESUS do you see how that sounds, but she had to stick to her story because it was true, imagine what her friends, parent and people would have said about Miss Goody Two Shoes, the shame she would have felt! But by the grace of God Joseph was convinced and he continued with the marriage setting things right, when she was almost due, the census came up and the heavily pregnant marry had to travel with her husband by cattle days and night sitting, sitting uncomfortably probably without a back rest, when they finally arrived Mary was already due and looking for a place to stay and only God know how close she was to birth. We can imagined how stinky the manger was.
Regarding the catholic honouring and celebrating Mary, how wrong is that? Don’t we celebrate our mother on MOTHER’S DAY and our fathers on FATHER’S DAY? Isn’t mother’s day more celebrated that father’s day? Would Jesus be angry that we celebrate his mother? Didn’t he respect and love her enough to perform miracle earlier than he would at the Marriage of cana, he only did that because his mother interceded on the matter which is the case with many young men and their mother and we are called Christians (Chris-like, like Christ)
1 corinthians 6. 1-3
1.       Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust and not before the saints?
2.       Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters
3.       Know ye not that we shall judge the angels? How much more things that pertain to this life

So if the catholics believe she a saint and pray to her to intercede, because of her assumption into heaven, her life on earth, and her maintenance of virginity after the birth of Christ which I know is in contest because of
Matthew 12:46 “while he was speaking to the people, behold his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him”
The Catholics says they were is cousins
Ibo people have argued long that they are part of the lost Hebrew tribe, similarities have been seen in there languages.. In ibo language everyone of close relation is called brother or sister even if you don’t have same parent, their isn’t really any word for cousin
John 19: 26-27
When Jesus saw his mother there and the disciple he loved standing nearby, he said to her “woman, here is you son” and to the disciple “here is your mother” from that time this deciple took her to his home

If he had brother why would he hand their mother over to a disciple????????

And about her being the mother of God, if you are a believer in the trinity, God the father, God the son , and God the holy spirit, well she is the mother of God the son

Monday, 12 August 2013


It’s been a while since I wrote, I hope my topic caught your attention, yes I said it. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION it is a LIFESTYLE.
That word RELIGION is one of the worst things to happen to this world starting from the Jews killing by Hitler to the Islam bombing, down to the underage marriage. to the Medieval Witch Hunts.
But my basis here is Christianity, these white men brought this religion crossing the same seas and oceans these slave traders crossed to bring us this GOOD NEWS but as usual Africans or more Specifically in this article know it more than those who brought it.
The early followers of Jesus after he died where called CHRISTIANS meaning CHRIST-LIKE            in the sense that they emulated the lifestyle of Jesus that is why the early church which is the present day CATHOLIC CHURCH have their priest be celibate following that aspect of Christ’s life but presently Christian is nothing beyond going to church and reading the bible, greedy pastor standing at the pulpit reading the word that they have never and have not intentions of attempting to follow, the member are not left of, have you noticed that the so called born-again are the most wicked, stingy and the best gossips of all – time. This is because they carry the word on their mouth not in their heart.
THE BIBLE is a collection of historical event first of all passed down by the most unreliable source in the world called THE MOUTH which slowly changes little details to suits its self, then before written down in old Hebrew a lost  language from which it was translated to Latin before English, all these processes have changed is to was in different place but Chris gave us TWO rules
1.       Love your neighbor as you self which is further expanded as love your neighbor as Christ has loved you
2.       Love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength
Christianity does not just lay in the bible it lays in the heart were love is, when you love someone you never harm or judge unjustly.
·         True Christianity lies in the ability to live the lifestyle not read the bible or attend all the vigils
·         It does not lay in giving huge donations in church where people get to see you and starving the poor girl that live with you or saying we are managing when you brother asks you for money, if you can’t show love to you neighbor then the love you think you show to God I assure you it does not pass your roof
·         It does not lie in giving cloths that are almost rag to charity in the name of alms giving
·         It does not lie in judging every actions of your neighbor , if you don’t know ask, if you don’t agree argue, if you can don’t just sit and judge, how would you like it if after obeying the ten commandments throughout your life you get to hell for judging a SINNER
·         It lie in accepting the Adulterer brought to you for judgment and the thief that is at you left or right, you see what Jesus asked, he said , if you have not committed a sin throw the stone, he didn’t say if you have not committed adultery, no sin is greater, don’t think my hell fire would burn hotter than your because am a murderer, homosexual, prostitute or thief just because you tell white lies
·         It is in the accommodating of everyone, both sinner and saints, it is in true forgiveness and kindness
·         If you judge people you have no chance to love them. Am not talking about judging little wrongs of your fellow Christian brother there is a very thin line there( 1corth 6)
 Personally I believe the bible isn’t as accurate as we all want it to be but through Christianity is in faith, blessed are those who haven’t seen but yet believe…. Truth is, if you truly want to practice Christianity the God in your heart would guide you